Title: What Was Needed
(Aun straightens up with new resolve on his face.)
Aun: Nai, I need to stop thinking such things. I’m not going to go down that path. Helping Chax was the right thing to do.
Aun: Even my frenting rod worked to heal him, not kill him. Whatever’s wrong in the world, it can’t be that.
(Chax re-enters.)
Chax: There you are. I’ve done what was needed, are you ready?
Aun: Yes. Let’s go.
2 thoughts on “What Was Needed”
Speaking of moving on… I don’t know what it is – it’s definitely not the Craisht – but it feels like… something’s shifted. And now we’re moving forward. REALLY moving forward.
I’m less sure about what we’re moving toward than I’ve ever been.
This comment made my night, thank you very much for posting it, please continue!