A Stray to Botaram updates on Tuesday and Thursday.

Title: Another Hunt
Chax: There are a few khirriks near the top of the Kollen, but they’re up a bit high for me to jump right now. I don’t know if this is even possible, but do you think you could try to hunt one for me?
Aun (surprised): Hunt? You mean right now?
Aun (taking time to mull it over): Well, it’s… what’s that word you love? “Unprecedented.” I only feed once a day, when the Chimmer’s in the air. I’ve never had to do it twice, so I don’t know what would happen! (Aun stares down at his frenting rod.) I can’t see that it would hurt to try, though.
Aun: Okay, I’ll do my best for you. Let’s try to find a place that’s close enough to the khirriks, and far enough away from… all that filth.
Chax (smiling): Thank you. I greatly appreciate this.

Another Hunt

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