A Stray to Botaram updates on Tuesday and Thursday.

Title: Adumbration Anew
(The tentacled creature is revealed as a thing like the monster that was warding this door previously. It seems to be growing out of the corpse of the old one, or perhaps the old one didn't die entirely and regrew part of itself. It is occupied with attaching its tentacles to the inner part of the door.)
(As it works, making stranges noises of satisfaction, some more words are heard faintly through the door, getting stronger. The creature looks up with an interrogatory noise.)
Chax (behind door): I noticed also that the creature we fought did not emit its chife until I thoughtlessly prodded at its corpse. I suggest we simply sever the limbs from any others we encounter, and not strike deep blows that may provoke such a disgusting effluxion.
Aun (also behind door): That sounds reasonable, Chax. I’ll use the flat of my frenting rod against their vile bodies. Here we are, ready to go? Pass me a capsule...
(The warding creature makes a noise of some apprehension.)
Aun: ‘Guarding Ancestor, please allow us past your benevolent restraint...’

Adumbration Anew

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