A Stray to Botaram updates on Tuesday and Thursday. The comic is being upgraded; size and resolution may change.

Title: Complicity
(The scene shows a fragment of a dream Chax had, where he perceived the presence of the entities whose pronouncements come to him as his drive to action and violence, called the Craisht.)

Chax: That dream I had... I listened between the lines as the Craisht debated over ending me, then freed me to extend my Deeds and my Name. There was Precedence somewhere in the Spines of Susekho for resisting, for standing up to principle instead of blindly obeying. That much I understand.

Craisht Entity: ...You shall be permitted to lengthen your Name.

At some time in the past, then, an Oistrem had resisted the urgings of the Craisht, and sometimes this trait was deemed useful...

(The scene shifts to the spire of Botaram, radiant upon the hills.)
Chax: But had an Oistrem ever accompanied a Strasmin before? Had an Oistrem ever actually stood on that sacred slope, alight with the Grand Radiance, in unbearable proximity to the spire of Botaram itself, and simply watched as a Strasmin calmly defied all of morality, ethics, and common sense, and simply walked into Botaram to contaminate the Eternal Purity with its irreverent corpus...?

It was ridiculous to state it. But Aun had said it was true...


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