A Stray to Botaram updates on Tuesday and Thursday. The comic is being upgraded; size and resolution may change.

6: The Confidence of Rage
Chax (alone): I’m surprised that he fled from mere words! What a coward...
Even so, he didn’t look as if he was afraid. I must stay on guard.
Do I have the strength to hunt now? I could worsen my injury with one mistake! But I must feed...I must feed and rest, then consider what to do next.
What now for me? I was sent into the wild to test my resolve and courage... Meeting this “Aun” was interesting, but hardly a great challenge!
Ah, the craisht! It grows within me!
Khirrik: kchrrk!kcheeeEEE- (is caught and killed)
Chax: Ahaha! “Chuaxid Daistem,” am I? I feed! I slay doubt and crush my foes! My name will grow long with deeds and my path bright with blood!
Run, coward Aun! It will not save you from my rage!

The Confidence of Rage

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