A Stray to Botaram updates on Tuesday and Thursday. The comic is being upgraded; size and resolution may change.

7: The Doubt of Introspection
Aun (alone): Cha! That buffoon! Who is he to tell me what I can make of my life? I have the strength and resolve! I will make it to Botaram for the Harvest, and back! I will succeed...
Won’t I.
I panicked at what he said about my elders, but I think he’s right. What do they know? Did they ever make the journey themselves? If they did, it was so long ago they forgot almost everything they should have told me...
I have a voice too, like that craisht of his... An ancestral urge that crushes reason. But mine tells me not to trust my own judgement. It’s like the world is lying to me.
I’d better keep moving. I’ll pull down some food... AYI!!! My frenting rod! It’s still tied to that ungrateful lummox. Now I have to go back!
I’m so stupid! I must be doomed to fail... Just as he said I was.
Characters: Aun

The Doubt of Introspection

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