Title: Looking Away
(The khirrik settles in front of Aun, it is placid and it looks to Aun and chirps in a friendly way, not seeing Chax approaching from behind and lifting his claw arm. Aun sees Chax and looks dejected, turning his face to the ground so as not to see the attack that he knows is coming.)
2 thoughts on “Looking Away”
Will that text post ever be turned into a comic, on the site or for the eventual book? I do prefer the other ones as text, but the recent text post was more out of immediate necessity.
The text gives more detail, but the comic form works better for continuity, so I will likely replace it at some point.
In a bleak alien landscape, two creatures raised from birth to be each other's enemies decide to think instead. One seeks Botaram, a place of high ideals and austere beauty; the other seeks to protect Botaram from being defiled by creatures like the first. An uneasy truce is formed amid heartbreak and broken ties, and through the ashes of their world they search for a truth that may no longer exist, abandoning friends, honor, and perhaps their lives… or worse.
> Read from the beginning
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