A Stray to Botaram updates on Tuesday and Thursday.

Title: No Easy Answer
Aun: I don’t think I have an easy answer for that. I’m sorry, Chax.
Chax: Accepted. For my part, I’m sorry I startled you.
Aun: Accepted as well.
Chax: I should eat this before it cools off any further…
Aun: Go ahead, eat in private. I have a few things to think about anyway.
Chax walks off and starts to eat. Aun walks pensively away, musing on things.

No Easy Answer

3 thoughts on “No Easy Answer

  1. (Waiting for a "glut")

    Hey…is anyone else out there enchanted by that quote from an early installment of Botaram: "chomp glomph glut"?

  2. Chax has a way with words.

    And meat.

    1. If this site had similar software to wastebook, I would click “like” on that message. But, alas, all I can do is talk about wanting to click it. ‘Nuf said.

      Perhaps Chax is a gluttin’ for punishment, and I have a tendency to dish out the puns.

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