A Stray to Botaram updates on Tuesday and Thursday. The comic is being upgraded; size and resolution may change.

19: It Will Fail Again…
(Chax is asleep and snores; he looks to be in pain): ZzhhhhzzZ...
Chax dreams of being in a gray place surrounded by dark and menacing shapes. One looks like a sharp spike, the other resembles the flame-like spirits seen in Aun’s retrospective.
Chax looks isolated and scared. The frenting rod is tied to his wounded arm, but in his dream the rod has Aun’s head.
Spike Voice: It will fail again. What can you do?
Chax: I have the craisht... It has failed me.
Flame Voice: You failed the craisht.
Aun: He failed to slay me. I am not food.
Flame Voice: The craisht is not enough.
Spike Voice: If strength, luck and cunning cannot prevail – what is left?
Chax: I don’t know! I don’t even know what’s wrong!
Flame Voice: You are wrong.
Aun: I am not his brother.
Spike Voice: There is nothing left.
Flame Voice: The old lies again hold sway.
Chax: No! Please, no! Tell me...!
(Chax starts to weep as he sleeps.)

It Will Fail Again…

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