A Stray to Botaram updates on Tuesday and Thursday. The comic is being upgraded; size and resolution may change.

449: Closer Yet Further
(Eni stands in introspection, talking with Kuu whose spirit resides in his body.)
Eni: Kuu… I… You are my staunch ally and friend, Kuu, but we are in a dire situation…
Kuu: …and so it is not a good time to discuss why you find me burdensome.
Eni: I… wish you would not put it that way.
Kuu: Eni, for my part I wish that I was not forced to say these things, and that I had my own legs to carry me. Who wants to be a redundancy, a distraction?
Comrades who do not agree may cover their discord with soothing words or stirring deeds, but this no longer works for us. We are forced to be so close that it drives us further apart.
You are right, there will be better times to discuss this, but it must at some time be done for the good of us both!
Eni: You also are right, Kuu. We will find the time. We must come to accord to reach Botaram together.
I am sorry. I know in my mind that you do not mean to cause friction and delay, however the voice of my heart may speak to be overheard by you.
I just feel that one more distraction would break me –
Uemai: (shouts suddenly) EHDEN ZHUN!!
Eni: Oh, what is this now?!
Kuu: What now!?

Closer Yet Further

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