A Stray to Botaram updates on Tuesday and Thursday.

Title: Division
(The bumps in the ground break open and long snakelike beings with nasty fangs pop out to feast upon the crud that fell from the Kollen. Aun and Chax, safely out of the way, look on at the horrid and disgusting scene.)
Chax: Aun…?
Aun: Yes, Chax?
Chax: This may not be the best time to mention it, but I’m getting very hungry.


2 thoughts on “Division

  1. I just discovered that you’re back – but there hasn’t been an update since October. Is everything okay?

  2. Firstly, welcome back! It’s great to see you again.
    I am in fact posting material each week, but up until now it’s been new updates interwoven with already-published pages. Thus the new material is being posted with old dates for now, to maintain continuity. It’s been a while since I made a progress report in the blog, so I will expand on it a bit there. (Blog post now up: https://www.botaram.com/reboot-report/)
    The largest chunk of new pages starts with this entry: https://www.botaram.com/comic/falling/
    You can expect to see properly timestamped dates start to happen in about a month. At that point all the material will be new. I hope you will continue to find it of interest.

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