A Stray to Botaram updates on Tuesday and Thursday.

Title: Ritual Results
(The scene shifts back to the Kollen. The crab creatures are continuing to make repairs to the hole that Chax made in the ceiling.)
Aun: (looking down at the pods) That should be the last of them, they’re all processed now.
Chax: What’s your verdict? Did taking many pods at once ruin the ritual?
(The scene shows various groups of pods and what happened to them.)
Aun: It’s varied. These pods came from the center of the sack. The resulting eluctuant looks normal.
Out at the edges it got much weirder. Some are normal, some look mostly correct but have a different shape. Some of them broke and spilled their contents, these went to waste.
Some are just too bizarre to use! I have no idea what would happen if we tried.

Ritual Results

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