Title: Less Interference
(Aun and Chax approach one of the pendulous fruit like things, which contain many little pods that seem embryonic.)
Aun: So, Chax, here’s how I was taught. You see these pods nestled in their sacks. Each one is a small life. We need to harvest some, but we follow the principle of less interference.
Chax: I hear you.
Aun (touching one): This sack is ripe, the smaller ones won’t work for the medicine. So here I spread the webbing carefully to extract one pod...
(Aun fiddles with it, and produces a tiny shining pod.)
Aun: And here we are! A perfect specimen.
2 thoughts on “Less Interference”
Ah! I was talking about what I called “pods” but, as it turns out, I was actually talking about the sacs. I had thought that each pod was a seed, but that was wrong. Oops.
Yes, they are bunches of… whatever they are, clustered within a webbing.
In a bleak alien landscape, two creatures raised from birth to be each other's enemies decide to think instead. One seeks Botaram, a place of high ideals and austere beauty; the other seeks to protect Botaram from being defiled by creatures like the first. An uneasy truce is formed amid heartbreak and broken ties, and through the ashes of their world they search for a truth that may no longer exist, abandoning friends, honor, and perhaps their lives… or worse.
> Read from the beginning
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