My thanks to Allie Brosh, who, all unknowing, gave me a kick in the pants when I most needed it.
Title: Given
(Chax holds the dead khirrik in his claws as Aun stands up. He confronts Chax, in shock and anger)
Aun: AYII!! Why did you do that!?
Chax: Because I’m hungry…?
Aun: Nai! I mean, did you have to shout like that?
Chax: Was shouting at it any worse than killing it?
Aun: It’s enough that you had to kill it! That I can understand, even if I don’t approve.
I won’t stand for torture of a harmless animal!
4 thoughts on “Looking Down”
I'm STILL not a nonymous.
I am, though.
Glad to see you're back, JJA!
I'll second the nonymous on that one. Welcome back, J! (although I know you've been around this whole time…)
Glad to see you back and with a bang!