A Stray to Botaram updates on Tuesday and Thursday.

Title: Promising
(Aun settles himself on a rock and Chax sets down the sack of eluctuant. Aun prepares his frenting rod and holds it up as Chax looks around with a hungry expression.)
Chax: Try to get me a nice fat one, would you?
Aun: Quiet please. I need to focus.
Aun (thinking): Okay. It should be like guiding Chimmer to an injured Strasmin… But it’s not! There is no Chimmer, and Khirriks don’t act like Chimmer.
Let’s see. The kind of need is different, and the goal is different, but the path should remain the same. So, just try to trace a path with no beginning or end… How easy.
Well, how do I feel on the middle of that path, when I’m on the way? Can I get that feeling…?
(Aun's frenting rod starts to radiate into the air.)
Aun: There… That’s promising…!


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