A Stray to Botaram updates on Tuesday and Thursday.

Title: Eluctuant Test
(Aun strikes the eluctuant, the cracked capsule releases clouds of gas which coat Aun and Chax in bits of dust. They both squint and Chax is somewhat surprised.)
Aun (looking at himself) Ayi, this looks correct. Now we know the new eluctuant works normally, and we’re protected in advance. We’ll see what it does to our foes!
(The husk of the eluctuant capsule falls to the floor. Aun and Chax start to proceed.)
Aun: Should we discuss anything else?
Chax: I did consider one point...

Eluctuant Test

One thought on “Eluctuant Test

  1. Tpau??? Are they heading to the Pon farr?

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