A Stray to Botaram updates on Tuesday and Thursday. The comic is being upgraded; size and resolution may change.

Title: Less Interference
(Aun and Chax approach one of the pendulous fruit like things, which contain many little pods that seem embryonic.)
Aun: So, Chax, here’s how I was taught. You see these pods nestled in their sacks. Each one is a small life. We need to harvest some, but we follow the principle of less interference.
Chax: I hear you.
Aun (touching one): This sack is ripe, the smaller ones won’t work for the medicine. So here I spread the webbing carefully to extract one pod...
(Aun fiddles with it, and produces a tiny shining pod.)
Aun: And here we are! A perfect specimen.

Less Interference

2 thoughts on “Less Interference

  1. Ah! I was talking about what I called “pods” but, as it turns out, I was actually talking about the sacs. I had thought that each pod was a seed, but that was wrong. Oops.

    1. Yes, they are bunches of… whatever they are, clustered within a webbing.

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