A Stray to Botaram updates on Tuesday and Thursday. The comic is being upgraded; size and resolution may change.

11: Controlled Loss of Control
(Chax sweeps an arm at Aun, but scoops him up rather than hurting him. The two of them sail through the air and Chax lands hard on the ground, grinding his attacking arm into the dirt. Aun jumps clear, scared and shaken. A sharp stick from the tree lands in the ground nearby.)
Chax (lying face first on the ground, unable to see Aun): HRRrrrgh! Hrrgh... Aun...? Aun. Aun! Are you hurt?
Aun (scared and reaching for the sharp stick to defend himself): Nai, not hurt... What about you...?
Chax: I am in great pain...
(Aun raises the stick, ready to slay Chax.)
Chax: I tried to miss you; you moved... But I could hardly expect you to have stayed still.
Aun... I cannot deny the craisht... But I think I can guide it. I hope that is enough.
Aun slowly lowers the stick, staring at Chax in astonishment.

Controlled Loss of Control

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