A Stray to Botaram updates on Tuesday and Thursday. The comic is being upgraded; size and resolution may change.

12: Pain and Revelation
Aun (holding up his broken frenting rod): AYIII! My frenting rod! It’s burst! The winding has snapped!
Chax (thinks): This is a serious blow! I may lose my arm... The pain...! Yet this is all my fault...
Chax: I am... most deeply shamed, Aun...
Aun: I’m doomed – I can’t feed now!
Chax (thinks): Nor can I! What a brief, miserable name I shall leave behind me! Chuaxid Daistem... a crippled, shameful coward!
Chax: I don’t know how to begin to apologize...
Aun: I’ll starve to death and never reach Botaram!
Chax: I could almost –
(Chax is startled and stands up angrily, hurting his injured arm.)
Chax (shouting at Aun): BOTARAM!?! Where the lethal Strasmins seek to trespass?!
Aun (pointing accusingly at Chax) Yes!! Strasmins all strive to reach Botaram! Unless we get killed on the way by the murderous Oistrem...
(Aun and Chax both suddenly realize to whom they’ve each been talking. Aun is a Strasmin, Chax is an Oistrem.)
Aun: Oh!
Chax: Oh!

Pain and Revelation

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