A Stray to Botaram updates on Tuesday and Thursday. The comic is being upgraded; size and resolution may change.

16: Getting Caught
Aun (In the present, examining the break in his frenting rod): Getting caught was usually scary, but it always got nicer fast...
(In the past, Young Aun has been caught by a mechanical-looking claw arm. Another thing like a face, at the end of a long neck, nuzzles him affectionately. A voice issues from the face.)
G’Eme: You are bold, little Aun, and one day you will do great deeds, but that time is not yet. Be patient, young hero. Prrrmmmrrrmmmrrrmrrrmmmrrrmmm...
Young Aun: Bold... rrrmmm... great deeds... rrrmmm...
(Young Aun is set back down on the floor with his friends.)
Young Eni: Ehi! You look happy! What did G’Eme say to you this time?
Young Aun: She said I’ll be a brave hero!
Young Kuu: She says that to us, too!
Young Aun: I can feel it! I will be a brave hero! Someday I’ll be bold enough to climb that wall and find out what’s outside!
Young Kuu and Eni (greatly surprised): Wha!?!

Getting Caught

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