A Stray to Botaram updates on Tuesday and Thursday.

Title: Back to the Depths
(Aun and Chax run towards the station door, a rhythmic humming noise is heard in the ground as they approach and the door opens for them. They run inside and Aun looks down to spot some familar debris on the ground. They approach the inactive and lifeless face and broken claw hand that remain, similar to the tools that the Ancestors and Uemai use to interact with the Strasmin. Aun slows down and holds out a hand.)
Aun: Ayi, Chax... Hold on a bit.

Back to the Depths

2 thoughts on “Back to the Depths

  1. Yo!!! I just noticed what looks like an ancestors’ “head” hanging down, directly over Aun’s frenting rod in the 3rd panel. What a surprise! (Now, what are those things on the floor that look like shards of glass?) Just wondering; I’m sure you’ll let us know at the right time.

    Oh yeah, one more comment… I’ve set the “Save my name, email, and website in this browser…” but then next time I want to write a comment it doesn’t remember any of that info.

  2. Yep, it didn’t remember my info. Wait — it didn’t show any of my info, but when I clicked on the Name field, it gave me y name to click on. Okay… but it does not give me my email address; I have to type that in again.

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