A Stray to Botaram updates on Tuesday and Thursday.

Title: Castigation
(Aun and Chax resume the attack, striking at the dendrites and tossing more eluctuant capsules. Suddenly, some strange tendrils approach Aun.)
Aun: Hia, what are these—? Oh, nai. NAI.
(The tendrils resemble the dead Ancestor arms underneath, but are overgrown with dark material that animates them in an unwholesome manner. One seizes Aun and the other swoops down to slay him.)
(The scene shows one of Aun's memories of his youth, of the love and care that the Ancestors bestowed upon him as a child, mocked by these foul appendages.)
Aun (crying out in horror): NAI! NAI!! NAIIEEE!!!!


2 thoughts on “Castigation

  1. Whoa… WHAT??? “infected ancestor arms”? Infected with what? By what?

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