A Stray to Botaram updates on Tuesday and Thursday. The comic is being upgraded; size and resolution may change.

447: Such Offense
(Eni is dangling from a claw arm, looking down in shame.)
Eni: I… I apologize for causing such offense that an Ancestor felt the need to trouble to correct me.
Uemai: Hrem eyn zdil.
Eni (not understanding Uemai’s archaic accent): What?
Uemai uses another claw to remove the strange mechanical arm from Eni's shoulder.
Eni: Ayi!
(Eni wiggles the stump of his original arm.)
Eni: I know not what I did to deserve such punishment, but thank you for releasing me…
Uemai: ZDIL!!
(Uemai reattaches the mechanical arm to Eni’s shoulder, much to his dismay.)

Such Offense

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