A Stray to Botaram updates on Tuesday and Thursday.

Title: Refocusing Resolve
(Aun reaches out with his frenting rod to the dangling head, giving it a sort of salute.)
Chax: I see. Refocusing your resolve?
Aun: Ayi, that’s part of it. I feel my intent sharpening to a perfect point. Whoever did this will pay.
Aun: But also, we should prepare. Pleae pass me some eluctuant.
Chax: Here you go.
(Chax tosses Aun some eluctuant from the sack on his back. Aun strikes it with his frenting rod, causing it to crack open.)

Refocusing Resolve

2 thoughts on “Refocusing Resolve

  1. I can just imagine the very next frame, in which Chax says “Awwww, you BROKE it!” >:D

  2. because YOU BROKE IT.

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