A Stray to Botaram updates on Tuesday and Thursday. The comic is being upgraded; size and resolution may change.

Title: What Was Needed
(Aun straightens up with new resolve on his face.)
Aun: Nai, I need to stop thinking such things. I’m not going to go down that path. Helping Chax was the right thing to do.
Aun: Even my frenting rod worked to heal him, not kill him. Whatever’s wrong in the world, it can’t be that.
(Chax re-enters.)
Chax: There you are. I’ve done what was needed, are you ready?
Aun: Yes. Let’s go.

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I apologize for interrupting the story at this point, which will leave both Chax and the reader in suspense, but I need to take a short break from Botaram to refresh my mind and work on a few story matters.

I will continue to post small updates of Botaram-related content on schedule; these may take the form of notes, drafts, text updates, rough scribbles like the one above, or answers to reader questions. If you wish to ask a question, please leave a comment below, or send an email via the address on my profile page (also below). I expect to resume regular updates on September 8th.

Thank you very much for reading this story!